Monday, April 30, 2012

Day Thirteen: Top five dream jobs

Woah...I'm behind...I'm supposed to be doing this every day, but it really creeps up ya!

5.  Guy that swims around and with dolphins and entertains people....that sounds awesome doesn't it? 

4.  Prince of England.  Royalty?  Sounds so dope.   And for whatever reason, people don't seem to feel oppressed, they LOVE the royal family!  I don't get it, but it would be sweet to have an entire country's wealth at your disposal....mwah ha ha!!!  Just think of the shenanigans I could get into in a PALACE with like swords and armor and such....awesome!!!!

3.  Zoo keeper.  I LOVE animals.  I don't think i would like the cleanup or the treating them medically, but more of a 'guy who plays around with monkeys and whatnot" would be a good title.  Yep...Monkey entertainer.  That's the one!

2.  I would say musician, but's really hollow IMO.  I found it hollow.  I found it less gratifying than I thought it would be.  I felt like a dancing puppet who was seeking other's approval through my talent.  I know that's not everyone's story, but it's definitely mine. 

1.   Yep... Pastor.   It's honestly my dream job.  I wouldn't mind actually earning a salary doing it...but honestly, just meeting people's needs and helping them make the choice to a much more fulfilling life and life hereafter is just Awesome!  I love teaching on Sundays and I love the one on one time I have with people, just doing life together.  I really don't there's a job I could ever like more than this one.  I've been dreaming about it since I was 20 or so.   I don't mind if there's 4 people there or 400, I just reallllllly reallllly love what I do!

short and to the point.... (I'm short on time today)

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