Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 15: top 5 favorite beverages

Pretty lame one today, so I'll play it straight.

in no specific order

1.  Mountain Dew (yeah, I called it the Devil's Pee Pee in a previous post)   I love it....I only drink like half a can a day now cause of the sugar and other scary ingredients like rat poison that it contains

2.  GOOD OLD AMERICAN LIGHT BEER!  Yep....Living in England was rough...NO COORS LIGHT!  Or...KEYSTONE LIGHT...or busch light!     Yep.  I like it...I don't like dark beers much, but I LOVE me some light beer.  There's nothing like being out on the lake, fishing with my buddies and cracking an ICE cold light beer.  Judge me all you want when I'm sitting in my folding chair in the back of my aluminum boat wearing my camo shorts with my gun on my hip drinking a light beer.   "YOu might be a redneck if....well, if you do ANY of those things I mentioned let alone ALL"   (ps..my brother makes a good light beer.....I enjoyed that Nick.  Even cooler that you made it)
Folding chair 'cause the bench is gone...check.   Gun tucked into camo shorts?  Check.  ice cold keystone light on tacklebox that COMES with cup holder?  Check.  Bass worthy of other men's envy?  YOU KNOW IT!!

3.   Pickle juice.  I drink it straight from the JAR.  I dont care....I will look you in the eye while I drink it and feel JUST FINE about myself.  BOSS!

4.The most deadly drink I can think of courtesy of Mr. Mike Forget is rumshata and milk.  Its like a bailey's or whatnot, and it is DEADLY mixed with milk.  Why?  cause it's sooooo good.   There's a good chance that if you drink this, it will feel like when you think you're doing 45 and you look at speedometer and notice you're doing 74.   Yep.   Be careful with this one...you may end up in drunktown when you only planned to drive to Sippsville.

5.   Merry's and Baileys.   Merry's is just as good IMO but a fraction of the price.  I love it as a winter drink when I'm hanging with My Cousin Leegull. 

that's all folks.    Oh..and I drink the CRAP outta water!  I litterally drink between 4 and 5 1000ml Nalgene's each day.   I started because it's good for me, but now I crave that much water and love to drink it.

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